
Craig Rogers, beloved husband and football coach, dies in a car accident caused by a drunk driver.  His wife, Jenna, tries to move on but her 16-year-old daughter becomes pregnant, turning her world upside down.  Without the love and support of her husband, Jenna feels helpless, until she meets Ben.  Their connection is immediate and puzzling. When Ben finds out that the heart he received could possibly belong to Jenna’s husband, he is bewildered and anxious.  Can he tell Jenna and risk losing her?

Josie has had a picture perfect marriage but after the death of her mother, she has fallen into a depression and things aren’t so perfect anymore. In fact, she finds out her husband has had an affair with her best friend. Her life is in an upheaval and she doesn’t think it could get any worse until she finds out that her mother had a huge secret of her own.

Now available from Amazon and
Barnes & Noble.

Reader Reviews

“A wonderful book that made me laugh and cry.”

Wanda Sheppard

“A compelling novel about love, loss, and the type of forgiveness that we learn best through the love of Christ.”

Joy Ruble, Author of Rich Girl

“I believe Karen Bruce will soon become one of your favorite authors. She brings her characters to life and makes you feel they are your family. You cry, laugh, and celebrate with them.”

Deborah Corn

“This is a wonderful story of forgiveness and true love. As God forgives our sins, we need to forgive others.”

Ladonna DeCaterina

Karen is married to Kenny Bruce and they live in Mendota, Virginia. They have two wonderful sons who are married and live in North Carolina. They also have the cutest grandson and granddaughter.

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Are You A Whosoever?

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